At Little People's Dental, we provide the utmost comfort to our patients to ensure their care and safety. For patients who are undergoing invasive procedures, or who have special circumstances where they need to be sedated, our pediatric dentist may recommend hospital care and (IV) sedation in South Jordan, Utah. Some circumstances where we may recommend this procedure is when a child is extremely nervous or uncooperative during their treatment, or if your child requires major treatment or surgery. Using sedation can also help maintain your child’s safety during a procedure, as it helps them to sit still and stay calm. IV sedation is often used for wisdom teeth removals, and for patients who have specific special needs.

With IV Sedation, the medicine is administered through a very small needle that is placed in either the top of the hand or the inner elbow. It is common and understandable for children to be fearful of needles, but inserting a needle for IV sedation has been described as just a small prick. To administer IV sedation, we will have an anesthesiologist come to our office, so as to ensure the safety of our patients while Dr. Thayne Gardner tends to their dental needs.

If our pediatric dentist feels that your child would be better serviced at the hospital, he may recommend hospital dentistry. Little People's Dental is partnered with several nearby hospitals and doctors, ensuring that your family and your child’s dental needs are given top priority. If your child requires hospital care, you may can contact your dental insurance to see if they will reimburse you for treatment costs. Please call us at (801) 999-1426 to learn more about hospital care and IV sedation!
